My mind needs to rest,

from the voices in my head,

Making me feel trapped,

From the chaos that is my life.

My past has been playing catch up,

as I play cat and mouse.

From the realities, I refuse to accept,

the disappointments, anger, and feelings of rejection,

the blocked energy that threatens to burst my veins,

and rip off the edges of my skin.

So I came here,

to nourish my heart at this place,

that my heart has been yearning for ages,

and to free me from old and negative energies.

and discover the vibrations that my heart once knew.

I came here because I am a woman at crossroads.

I came here to find solace,

to expand myself,

to quieten my mind,

to learn how to listen to the beats of my heart,

and dance to the tune of my heart’s desires.

To learn the feel of my skin,

and appreciate every breath I take,

savor little moments,

take a detour,

and make sense of everything.

I came here to have a fresh start.

A new shot at love and life,

a new shot at amazing experiences.

I came here because I wanted to.

I am on pause,

an unmanned navigation light,

blinking elsewhere.

Seeking a woman I once loved.

I must learn enough.

Until then, Happy new year 2022!

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