This is for those who are always at the bottom of the class when exam results are out, those who failed in exams, those who had to repeat a year because of poor performance, those who had to sit for supplementary exams to be able to get to the next year,those who never seem to perform well despite doing their best, those whose parents or teachers have given up on them academically. Those who have been called academic dwarfs, Good for nothing,the bottom ten, the dump ones,academic losers, and any other term you have been referred to.

First, i want you to know that i have walked in your shoe. I have been both top and bottom of my class so i do understand what it feels like to be at the bottom when results are out. I totally understand how shameful and discouraging it is to be known for not performing well. How embarrassing it is to be asked what you got in a particular subject, how scary it is to present your report card to your no nonsense parents or guardians,t,o be called a dander head. To be termed Stupid. To be used an an example of ways to fail. I get it. Life is difficult. The pressure to be the brightest or the coolest is overwhelming.

You feel worthless, that nothing good can come from you, your parents only wish that you can get an average score so that they are able to push you to another level, while those who don’t have able parents, their future is ‘bleak”( so they say) . It’s even sad when you are female for some parents will only hope that you get a rich man to marry you and some threaten to marry you off to the nearest suitor.

Look,this world is mysterious and hard to navigate. I’m a Banker. I studied Journalism, went to do a practical course on Film production and Citizen journalism after Campus which flopped along the way hence i found myself at a Vihiga High School Library Arranging books . I am also a blogger and i love to motivate people. I sometimes have a difficult time trying to figure stuff out , figure myself out or navigate this world. I write to Inspire but often times i can’t even inspire myself.

Did i know that i would one day end up here? Never, i didn’t even know if i would go to University. Which i did. What i have learnt is that i knew how to get through bad days and bad results. How do i know this, Because i’m here now and i have still not arrived. ”Never arrive ” remains my mantra. I am still learning and still battling and you are too so lets start from here;

Photo Credits: Google

I am here to tell you otherwise. Your future is not bleak. You are worthy,You are Intelligent,You are beautiful, You can be whatever you want to be. Your worth is not pegged on some exam result, neither is your future. Sure, it is important to pass exams but that is not everything. There is more to life than your mean grade. You can achieve whatever you set your mind to achieve despite those results.

Photo Credits: Google

I know of some of my peers who did not seem to do well in school and are doing well out here. I am on the right course despite having flopped in some exams. I am not asking you to just be comfortable and not do your best in school. By all means, work hard, work smart, be consistent in studying, do your best and whatever happens you know you did your best,but should the results come out and they are not what you expected, know that that is life and it doesn’t end there. You still have a very bright and promising future ahead.

Outside the classroom, you will need more than your papers to achieve. You will need to have the right attitude. Practice that now. Develop the right attitude towards your teachers, your subjects, your self worth, your school and wait to see the magic! This is one thing i wish i knew back in High school, I would have walked with my head high every day.

You future depends on you. You create the world you want to live in. Do not stop dreaming at any point in life. Do not stop making plans and having visions . Always Believe in yourself. You are much more than you can imagine. You are destined for greatness. You are not what your teachers or Lecturers think you are, You are not what your classmates think you are, You are who you think you are. So, please start by re affirming yourself, develop a positive mindset, improve your personality, walk with your head high,dress well, learn to speak well, develop a skill, find your passion or talent and practice it, be good at it,learn something new everyday, read something everyday,ask questions , dream, make a list, envision where you want to be in 3 years, write it down, discover who you are. There is a lot that you can achieve in this world.

You were born for a purpose. Don’t give up until you discover what your purpose in life is. You might not be good at Business Studies but you are good at writing or story telling, believe me when i tell you that you can use that which you are good at to soar. Take the skill, sharpen it,and use it to empower yourself and others. We can’t all be Doctors, We can’t all be Lawyers..This world would be boring! We all need each other with our different talents and skills to make this world a better place.

You have to understand that you are you for a reason so be your biggest cheer leader. There is no one like you, There will never be anyone like you so be proud of who you are because you are a precious being, a most prized possession. You are here for a reason. You were placed here on earth to make an impact. So when you are having a bad day, you are being bullied , jeered or made fun of, remember that you are not what people think you are. Peoples perception of you does not define you in any way. Do you.

This is how you get through college or high school, do what you love. Your passion may be your purpose in life. Maybe you love to act, maybe you love to write, to sing, to draw, to model, to motivate others,to play football or rugby, to talk. Do it. Practise it . Be consistent at it. You never know how far you can go with your talent. We have seen many people making an impact to society through modelling like Cecilia Mwangi founding the anti jigger campaign, the likes of Mariga and Rudisha who have placed Kenya on the scope through their talent.

Get out of your comfort zone. Try out new things. When faced with a dilemma and a hitch remember that You can. You will. Always remember that you have all it takes to get to where you want. Yes you can.

As i am signing off, i hope you know that school is just a season but learning continues even after graduation. Life is a book of lessons. You will not always have the answers but somehow you will make it. So Never give up. Don’t let bad experiences in school destroy you, Don’t let poor results kill your hope of excelling because you will excel. Don’t let peoples opinion of you get in your head and distract you from knowing who you really are.

Take it a day at a time. Do your best. You can. You will.

Sending love and Light your way.

Develop/ improve your personality.

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